Expressway and transportation links                    

The Chicago commute

Chicago - home of the fourth longest commute in the U.S. Rush "hour" now lasts about 30% longer than it did just a few years ago. According to a study conducted by the Texas Transportation Institute, Chicagoans each spend an average of 44 hours per year stuck in heavy traffic, with an average $720 worth of time wasted on the clogged roads.

Urban sprawl and proliferation of reverse city-to-suburb commutes contribute to the gridlock. Consider the commute when you accept that new job located 45 miles from home.

Source:  Chicago Sun Times, November 17, 1999 article by Gilbert Jimenez

Commuter links

Chicago's newest traffic info source: "In the Loop", a web-based service providing real-time traffic updates for the downtown (Loop) area only. Info is transmitted by a reporter traveling around the Loop during the early rush hours. "In the Loop" is updated from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. on weekdays only, holidays not included. It's part of the city of Chicago's website. The URL is

Getting Around, a weekly transportation column in the Chicago Tribune. Getting Around, written by Jon Hilkevitch, is an experienced commuter's look at Chicago's traffic.

Construction and lane closure information

City of Chicago - Primarily focuses on city streets, not expressways.

IDOT District 1 Construction Report - Highways and expressways, with some information about major streets. Info is categorized by county.


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